
Daniel Rosehill

Like 'Rose' And 'Hill' said one after the other.

But please don't book me a table for "Mr Hill" as this has happened far too many times in my life and I may be many things but 'Rose' isn't one of them.



Some of the things I'm currently working on


Hey, we've all got bills to pay

My Philosophy On Life, Work, Tech:

Just a few open-ended thoughts to share some of the things that I believe in - and how I approach living (for obvious reasons - a document in constant evolution!)

Some Things About Me

Here's a very informal bio for anyone interested:

I was born in Ireland.

I moved to Jerusalem, Israel about 10 years ago.
"Jewish reasons" (Zionism).

But let's stay off politics for a moment.

I've walked a few paths in my professional life to date (journalism, communications). Most of my experience has been working in (or with) the software industry.

In a break with form, I'm currently working on a communications project for a non-profit and developing a data portal as a hybrid work-passion project.
It's nice to think about the 'bigger picture'.

I love creating - whether through words, video, or designing websites.

I also like ideating, asking difficult questions to get at fundamentals, and trying to connect dots.

I'm old and jaded enough to believe it's socially acceptable to say that my current favorite pastime is arguing politics at the pub. But if you'd like me to sound more buttoned-up I can say that I also enjoy surfing (waves) and learning things.

Working On It

Current tech interests (there are usually a few):

Anything that sits at the intersection between data and storytelling - especially data visualisation and data storytelling.

Tools I am learning to leverage:

Wordpress Icon Github Icon Python Icon HTML Icon Astro Icon PostgreSQL Icon

Built With Astro

I like Astro!

Yes, it's harder to use than Wordpress. But among the countless static site generators and headless CMS options I've looked into, Astro stood out to me for the supportiveness of its community and its focus on usability.

Many thanks to Tristen Tomczak for the theme which I started from (the previous version of this site was my "learning Astro the hard way" experience and is sadly no longer workable!).